Our commitment is to develop meaningful and impact relationships by promoting quality in an effort to stimulate growth of partnering businesses.

What We Do

At Vulcan and Venus, we give back to small businesses by profit sharing and promotion. It’s completely free to partner with Vulcan and Venus and best of all, it takes almost no effort at all.

Why We Do It

At Vulcan and Venus we believe there is more to a company than product and price. We believe small business is the backbone of America and it is why we choose to give back to small businesses who partner with us. An added plus, we do it absolutely for free!

How We Do It

How does Vulcan and Venus give back? We collaborate with business owners in a design aspect. We create merchandise and branding to help promote those businesses through e-commerce. We then share profit with those businesses.

How Is It Free

How is it free for our partners? Each design is created by us for absolutely no cost. When the said design is agreed upon, we list it on our website and allow the option to backlink our partner’s website to our shop. It literally cost nothing to our partners and they can then share that profit with absolutely nothing to lose.

Interested In Becoming A Partner?